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Boiler Servicing

Servicing an appliance (Boiler) should be an annual event to ensure that your appliance is safe and operating efficiently. A service is paramount to validating the manufacturers warranty and optimizing your appliances functions to work efficiently, ultimately keeping you warm and saving you money.


At Brompton Brompton Boilers we offer two levels of service, Standard service or Full strip down service. Depending on the condition of the boiler/appliance, when it was last serviced and the Flue Gas Analysis in conjunction with the Manufacturers instructions indicating what type of service is recommended. Below are descriptions of both services  



Basic Service

Normally we would ask you (the customer) to provide the Manufacturers Instructions and service log if available, to help us keep accurate details and records of works carried out and relevant information, this is not essential as a service record can be provided but may be useful for future reference.


We Initially carry out a safe to touch on the boiler and safe isolation of the appliance, the electrical supply/point (and fuse) will then be checked to ensure the electrical supply is safe an appropriate for the appliance.

A visual inspection of the boiler and surround including the controls will be conducted.

We will then ask (you) the customer to operate the appliance in the appropriate functions to ensure that it is working appropriately and will we then perform a flue gas analysis of the appliance prior to carrying out work, as on occasion the readings may indicate that a full strip down service is required or that there is an issue/fault with the boiler in accord with the Manufacturers instructions.

Once the initial Flue gas analysis is completed the appliance safety controls will then be checked, (this ensures the safety functions of the boiler are working).

A Tightness test and visual inspection of your gas meter and pipework (supply) will then be checked.

Using the Manufacturers guidance the appliance will then be opened and inspected inside for any signs of spillage or damage, on occasion we may have to make minor repairs or purchase seals or gaskets which may incur a small cost. Filters and condense traps will then be emptied and cleaned in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and boiler reassembled. If a external filter, (magnet filter) is present this will be cleaned as appropriate.

A Standing and working pressure at the meter and the appliance will be completed and the boiler gas rated and/or flue gases analyzed as required.

We always check the Flue integrity, its termination and ventilation requirements.

If necessary the boiler may have to be drained down and the expansion vessel checked and/or recharged.  

Once the service is completed a sweep test will be completed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

As part of the Doc L requirements we also will obtain sample of water from your central heating system to check its cleanliness and inhibitor levels.  

We complete the service record (benchmark) and provide a written record of service with any recommendations.

Full Strip Down Service

Depending on the state of the boiler it may warrant a full strip down and potentially changing of parts, seals and gaskets. When stripping down a boiler the engineer will identify the potential problems and physically show you and explain the issues as they are found and identified. The need for a full strip down service is very rare in well maintained and serviced boilers but on occasions we go to central heating systems that have not been inspected/ serviced or looked at for as long as twenty years or that have had problems that have been overlooked or ignored. On these occasions it bwill be explained that a full strip down service is required. 

Keep our details safe, So we can keep you warm!

Fully Insured
Full Enhanced DBS checked

Dog & Animal  Friendly 
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